Read the Latest Bible Bytes

In this post we will review some insights found in Hebrews chapter 9. It is a chapter full of information regarding the mediator and testators of the New and Old Covenants. “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall […]

Mediator of the Old Testament

Today’s topic is about one of the end time prophecies Daniel spoke in chapter 8. People will give you ideas and opinions of what they think this prophecy means. We will look over this scripture and dissect it to come to a decent conclusion. Then you can decide if it […]

Daniel’s End Time Prophecy

Today’s topic is another one that is often in debate within the church. Today we will look at the scriptures that refer to the second coming and the rapture. Dissection of the scriptures is important to come to a conclusion. Many times people can simply take a side because someone […]

Why is the Rapture different than the Lord’s second coming?

In today’s topic we will review some of the Biblical events that have deep meaning you may not have seen or noticed before. There are many natural events that are definitely marking the times we are living in as the end times and there are so many. Not only are […]

How Do We know We Are In The End Times?

Today we will discuss another topic that is often debated amongst believers. There are schools of thought that teach there is a rapture and others that teach there isn’t. But what is the truth? Let’s see what the scriptures say about a “rapture” and where does this term come from? […]

Will There Be A Rapture or Not?

Today’s topic is about the rapture. There is often much debate if this is an event that will happen because the word “rapture” is not found in the bible. Even though that particular word is not found in the English translation this does not mean it is a made up […]

Is the Rapture In The Bible?

Today’s topic will cover a summary of what the apostle John was describing in the Book of Revelation. Have you ever wondered what it all means? We pray these synopses of the chapters may open up your spiritual understanding. John has given us an account of what is happening in […]

Book of Revelation Summary

Today’s topic may seem unusual but it is one still related to Jesus. Many people in today’s society do not realize that Jesus came to bring division, not unity. If you have never stopped to think about this you too may have missed this separation that occurs when we follow […]


Today’s topic is related to names in the Bible. We know that God always has names for people and it conveniently describes who they are. There are several examples in the Bible where the Lord changed the names of people once they were in a covenant relationship with Him and […]

The Counterfeit

Today’s topic is about faith. Not just any faith but an unwavering faith that can move mountains. Lately, I have been reading some great testimonies from a powerful man of God from the early 1900’s. It is good for us to read and hear such testimonies because it can stir […]


Today’s topic came as a revelation from the Lord. It was a little nugget of truth that the Lord gave connecting a verse from the Book of Revelation to the disciple Peter. It is simple, yet profound.  Many of us who listen to sermons and have read the Word of […]

Cephas- The Stone

Today’s topic comes from a question we may have often found ourselves asking. When things go wrong or astray there are many who often have this question on their mind…What is my purpose? Many people go through life without knowing what their true purpose is. They may find substance abuse […]

What is My Purpose?