Take My Yoke Upon you

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest upon your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. ~ Matthew 11:29-30 KJV

There are times when days seem tougher than others. We feel so burdened by debt, deadlines, and other things that demand our immediate attention. What can we do to ease our tension in these circumstances? Jesus said to come to him and we can find rest. Believe me when we do this we can actually feel lighter and tension leaves our body. In his presence is everything we need but in order to receive this we must do our part…enter into his presence. It is for our own good.

He does not want us to feel burdened. This can actually cause disease an illnesses to come upon us. Our bodies cannot take that kind of pressure all the time. Some people have manifested illnesses early in life and others in mid life and so on. Let us not become ill because we did not let the stress or burdens go. It’s all up to you! When we go to him there is a peace that can come upon us and we know everything will work out somehow. If you know how to pray in the spirit then do so daily. If you do not then simply speak to him because he will answer you. Tune your ear and heart to hear what he whispers to you that gives peace. He is faithful to answer. He loves you ❤️