Bible Bytes

Today’s topic is another one that is often in debate within the church. Today we will look at the scriptures that refer to the second coming and the rapture. Dissection of the scriptures is important to come to a conclusion. Many times people can simply take a side because someone […]

Why is the Rapture different than the Lord’s second coming?

Today let us review scriptures pertaining to Jacob’s trouble. You may ask what is “Jacob’s trouble”? Jacob’s trouble is what the Bible refers to as the troubling times for the nation of Israel during the end times. Jacob, from the Old Testament, was one of the sons of Isaac whose […]

What is Jacob’s Trouble?

And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Daniel 12:11 KJV In today’s post we will be expanding on more clues regarding the Lord’s return. Recently, we published […]

The Abomination in the Temple