
Today’s topic may seem unusual but it is one still related to Jesus. Many people in today’s society do not realize that Jesus came to bring division, not unity. If you have never stopped to think about this you too may have missed this separation that occurs when we follow […]


And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Daniel 12:11 KJV In today’s post we will be expanding on more clues regarding the Lord’s return. Recently, we published […]

The Abomination in the Temple

The Millennial Kingdom is the future kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ when he returns to earth. Jesus will sit on David’s throne in Jerusalem. Everyone who enters this kingdom will be redeemed by God and righteous according to the Word of God. In a recent post we covered the […]

Who Will Occupy the Millennial Kingdom?

I was searching for some information one day and ran across a title similar to this post. Out of curiosity, I read the post and the passages that were listed to support this question. Once I read the scriptures, I decided to share this post with you and show you […]

Will There Be Animal Sacrifices During the Millennial Kingdom?

In today’s topic we will be covering judgment. You may be familiar with the topic and have heard upon the Lord’s return there will be judgment but I would like to show you, how some schools of thought have broken down exactly who will be judged during this time. There […]

Who Will Be Judged At His Second Coming?