CoVid-19 Encouragement

Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? Ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. ~ Isaiah 44:8 KJV

During these last few weeks, we have been on lockdown around the world. Many people are in their houses and do not know what to do next. Fear has gripped their hearts because a strange virus has appeared and the media has said thousands are dying daily. But as the weeks are unfolding we are finding these death numbers exaggerated and the virus is not as virulent as they initially stated. People can die from it but people can also die from a car crash or the common flu.

We want to encourage you to remember what the Word of God tells us. In Isaiah 44:8 written above, it says that we should not fear neither be afraid. We want you to focus on this particular verse. He is with you! The more you mediate and keep His word close to your heart you will feel His peace surround you. God is love and he loves you very much! Brothers and sisters, if you are feeling fearful right now turn to the Lord Jesus. He is full of comfort for us in a time of distress and worries. It does not come naturally! We must do our part and seek Him and He will most certainly meet you where you are. He knows your inner most feelings and He knows exactly how to raise your spirits and give you a new hope.

Mediate on His Word day and night! This means keep your mind focused on a verse while you think about what you are saying over and over. Whatever you keep your mind focused on is what can determine your attitude. If you mediate on something good or positive you will feel good and uplifted. If you mediate on something constantly negative you will feel discouraged and defeated.

Be encouraged today and focus on His goodness and His promises! There is power in His word and it will give you exactly what you need when you mix it with faith. You can do this! Trust in the Lord and He will manifest himself to you.