
Today’s topic is about faith. Not just any faith but an unwavering faith that can move mountains. Lately, I have been reading some great testimonies from a powerful man of God from the early 1900’s. It is good for us to read and hear such testimonies because it can stir our faith. The Bible even states in Revelation “we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.”
Many in the church do not realize it is not our faith that saves us but the faith “OF” Jesus Christ that is at work in us.
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: Romans 3:22 KJV
One little word can make a huge difference for a believer. We are righteous and saved because we received the faith OF Jesus Christ. It is all about what He did for us and through us.
Are you sick? Do you need healing? Then use your faith and believe in what the Lord did for you. He made you whole. Believers need to take what belongs to them. The gifts that the Lord has left for all of us. We can be so easily deceived because we use and rely on our senses so much. Yes, the 5 senses (hear, touch, smell, taste and see). We need to step away from some of those “feelings” and live by faith. They can stump any person and stop the flow of the power of God to flow through us. Pay attention in this magnificent testimony that stirred my heart, as well.
* The Testimony *
A woman went to a meeting where Smith Wigglesworth was ministering to be healed of a goiter. Before she left she told her mother she was going to be healed of the goiter. After the time of ministry, she came forward to receive prayer and testified she had been wonderfully healed. She went back to her home and testified to her mother and people she saw. She went the next year to the same convention and got up to testify she had been healed. Looking at the woman, the goiter was larger than ever. She had testified this had been the best year of her life. She went home and testified more strongly than ever that the Lord had healed her. She believed God. The next year she went again and went forward to testify. She said, “Two years ago the Lord graciously healed me of goiter. Oh I had a most wonderful healing. It is grand to be healed by the power of God.” That day someone called her over and said, people will think there is something the matter with you. Have you looked in the mirror? You will see your goiter is bigger than ever. The woman went to the Lord about it and said a quick prayer. She said, “Lord, you so wonderfully healed me two years ago. Won’t you show all the people that you healed me.” She went to sleep peacefully that night still believing God and when she came down the next day to the convention there was not a trace or a mark of the goiter.
Praise God! This is how we need to act when we receive prayer for some ailment in our body that needs to go. God is faithful to answer every prayer according to His will. His will is for you to be well, whole and healed!
The woman was not moved by what she saw or still had visible in her body. People will try to discourage you and make you go to the doctor because you still have a “visible” problem. Your friends around you can cause you to be doubtful and discouraged. They are well meaning but many may not be having the same faith as you. They may be fearful to see harm come to you or they may not be a person of faith. There are many reasons your victory can be impeded if you are not careful. People have also died believing but the truth is … you do not know what was in their heart. You do not know what they were “truly” believing. A person can say one thing and believe something else in their heart. People of faith must be strong in their convictions. It won’t matter what anyone says, you ARE believing God and what you received when prayed for.
This woman was not moved by what she saw. She believed in her heart. She was so convinced nothing was going to change what she believed, not even the visible goiter. That is wonderful!
If you recall the story in the Bible with the woman and the issue of blood she was going through. She said in her heart, If I can only but touch the hem of His garment, I will be healed. She was so convinced that if she only touches His garment she will be made whole. What happened to her? She was healed in that very moment. She made a decision, acted on it and then she received from the Lord.
* My Healing *
I have also personally received healing from the Lord this way. I went to a convention, heard the traveling minister preach the Word of God and give testimonies. I said in my heart, if I only had “something” to be healed the Lord could heal me now. This was what I was thinking in my heart. But the Lord didn’t need me to go to the front to receive prayer. I received healing right where I was sitting because my heart was believing the Word of God and ready to receive. I had been dealing with pain in my back for almost 12 years but I had not looked at my self as a sick person. The traveling minister was calling the lame, the blind and the deaf to come forward. I had none of those ailments, so I began to pray for the ones who would come forward. Then it happened… I received healing in my body instantly. The fire of God’s healing power was flowing through my body. It was an awesome evening! He made me new!
When I read the woman’s testimony it stirred my heart to believe for healing in my body again regardless of what I see. I prayed for my whole body to be functioning normal especially veins and arteries in my legs. I believe the Lord is still a healer today and I received. One more victory to glorify God and His goodness! Hallelujah!
Are you immovable in your faith? Are you trusting God 100% instead of what you see, hear, smell, taste or feel? We too can have testimonies to glorify God in this present day. Believe what you have prayed for and receive. He loves you!