Man Shall Leave Father and Mother

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. ~ Ephesians 5:31 KJV

Has the man joined his wife? We have seen plenty of times when the husband or wife is still attached to their parents. This can only cause trouble. The Bible clearly states that a man shall leave his father and mother. There are plenty of challenges that are faced when a couple first gets married. It is a new way of living and an adjustment to the other spouse. In Laws can make it difficult in an adjustment period of a marriage. They may mean well but it is not always received this way from the person outside the family.

We must become dependent on the Lord when challenges arise in marriages. We cannot go running to our parent for advice all the time. The Lord has the best advice for us. When we seek God we have an advocate on our side. He knows the beginning and the end of a story and he knows where the problem started. He has the best insights on how to deal with issues that arise in the family.

Unfortunately, this is not the path that many take. Many will seek advice from their parents, their friends, their neighbors or even a stranger before they seek the Lord. The Lord knows the heart and he is on your side. If you are the person who needs correcting then he is the best to do it. Be humble and teachable before the Lord. He always gives good advice. He loves you and wants you to be happy and most of all he will help keep the enemy out of your marriage.