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There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. Isaiah 65:20 KJV Today I would like to focus on […]

What Does Isaiah 65:20 Mean?

And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Luke 21:25 KJV Today, this scripture stood out to me, as I was reading […]

Until the Time of The Gentiles is Fulfilled

Today I would like to show you how powerful our mind is when we put our focus on something. A few times I have referred back to the story of the Tower of Babel because it shows several powerful insights. Today’s insights are related to imagination. We were created to […]

Imagination and Healing

Today I would like to review some scriptures that will uncover some mysteries. Many times when we read the Bible we may not always notice events that were recorded in the past will appear as judgment in the end times. I have been studying the book of Revelation and I […]

It is done!

The book of Revelation is a book that shows us judgment, death and destruction but if you look closely you will also see great things. This book may seem like it only has doom and gloom but God has spoken blessings for us. The number seven has been a constant […]

Seven Blessings

Today we will go over a question that has probably crossed your mind once or twice upon reading the Book of Revelation 20. The title of this post has been a question that crossed my mind. If you have imagined what it would be like when the Lord Jesus returns […]

Why is God Going to Release Satan after 1000 years?

The Millennial Kingdom is the future kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ when he returns to earth. Jesus will sit on David’s throne in Jerusalem. Everyone who enters this kingdom will be redeemed by God and righteous according to the Word of God. In a recent post we covered the […]

Who Will Occupy the Millennial Kingdom?

I was searching for some information one day and ran across a title similar to this post. Out of curiosity, I read the post and the passages that were listed to support this question. Once I read the scriptures, I decided to share this post with you and show you […]

Will There Be Animal Sacrifices During the Millennial Kingdom?

In today’s topic we will be covering judgment. You may be familiar with the topic and have heard upon the Lord’s return there will be judgment but I would like to show you, how some schools of thought have broken down exactly who will be judged during this time. There […]

Who Will Be Judged At His Second Coming?

Today we will go more in-depth about the east gate of Jerusalem. In an earlier study we reviewed a few chapters in the book of Zechariah and this prompted me to focus a little more on this particular gate. This is a fascinating gate because it has been sealed and […]

The East Gate of Jerusalem

In the next chapter of the book of Zechariah we find more details of what will happen to Jerusalem. The city will be taken, the women will be sexually assaulted, half of the city will go into captivity but they will not be cut off. There will be the survivors […]

Zechariah 14 – The Day of the Lord

In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness. Zechariah 13:1 KJV As we begin to look more in-depth at chapter 13 we read there will be a fountain open to the house of […]

Zechariah 13 – In That Day