The Asteroid called Child

Today we would like to share something interesting pertaining to Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. This may be a pleasant surprise along with some other interesting star facts. As a matter of fact, in this particular month (September) there are several exciting events and some that seem to line up with the stars.
“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:” Revelation 12:1 KJV
Many times we may read a chapter in Revelation and have no clue what the scripture means nor where to begin to understand the vision. In ancient times the Pharisees were always asking Jesus for a sign. Jesus did not give them any signs in the moment they asked but He did show plenty of miraculous signs while He walked the earth. The wise men in the first century used the constellations to pinpoint where and when Jesus would be born. If you recall the star in the sky guided the wise men to the exact location where baby Jesus would be found. Looking at the stars have been useful to guide man in several ways. We know sailors have used the stars to navigate the oceans.
Did you know there is a constellation that depicts a woman? This constellation is known as “Virgo”. Virgo also means maiden, virgin or young girl. It is the second largest constellation and the only sign represented by a woman. We are not into zodiac signs but there are actual constellations found in the night sky that are recorded. Interestingly enough, there is also an asteroid called “Child”? That asteroid was discovered back in 1989 by an American Astronomer with the initials J.C., Jack Child. Is that a coincidence? If you know God there is nothing accidental nor events that occur coincidently.
You may be familiar with NASA and the many projects they do in space. The planet Mars is also known as the “Red Planet”. In 2017 NASA captured an image of the surface of Mars and it was said to appear as dragon scales. It just so happens there is a scripture that says the “red dragon” stood before the woman. In the sky, the planet Mars will be lining up to the constellation called “Virgo”. If we look at the scripture with natural eyes and understanding, we will notice the “red dragon”, can represent the planet Mars and spiritually speaking, the red dragon also represents Satan when we put it in context of John’s vision.
“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” Revelation 12:3 KJV
In December of 2022, an asteroid named “Ye Shuhua” passed through the Virgo constellation. Approximately 9 months later (in this very month) another asteroid named “Child” will be passing through the “belly” of the constellation Virgo. A birth, in spiritual terms, represents a new beginning. If you take note of the things happening around the world, there is a new beginning certainly lurking behind the scenes. This comet’s orbit is producing a one-of-a-kind overall picture. The orbit of this asteroid takes several years to come back to the same position. So the particular alignment of the asteroid, the constellation and the planet will not occur again anytime soon.
This once in a lifetime event is similar to the star appearing to the wisemen when Jesus was born. According to the Bible, that star was known as the Star of Bethlehem. A few years back in the southern hemisphere of the earth, below the equator, a bright star was visible once more. I saw a super bright star in the sky. This bright light or star may have simply been another planet alignment God set in place for a sign to those who are paying attention. The star was so bright it caught my attention. It seemed like a giant flashlight illuminating the sky. The brightness lasted a few days and slowly faded away. From my understanding, it was not visible in the US. I don’t know about you but that is pretty exciting to know this new September stellar alignment is happening this week in the heavens.
Not only will the planet Mars and the constellation be in alignment but simultaneously, the asteroid called “Child” just so happens to be passing through the Virgo constellation. Do you think this is a coincidence? Not likely! Remember there are signs in the heavens and on the earth the Lord has prepared for us to know when His second arrival is approaching. We just have to pay attention!
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.” Psalm 19:1-2 KJV
The interpretations of the scriptures in Revelation do not always have only one meaning. There can be several interpretations to their meaning and this does not mean one is wrong and the other is correct. There are times when we look at their meaning jointly. If you recall, the Gospels have passages that tell a slightly different account of the same event. But they are not considered wrong. You can join the accounts to get a full picture. The scriptures can have natural connotations, as well as, spiritual connotations. So a different answer does not necessarily mean it is wrong. Hope you were blessed today! Stay tuned for the next post.